Speed Reduction

​In urban areas, speed reduction aims to improve road user safety, especially for vulnerable users (pedestrians, cyclists), and create more convivial living environments. With various speed reduction measures—used alone or in combination with other measures—and a structured implementation procedure, it is possible to find the most suitable solution for each situation.

Two technical articles are available: one focuses on speed reduction, the other on speed humps and speed cushions.


Speed reduction

The technical article La modération de la circulation (traffic calming) [in French only] (223 KB) describes speed-reduction measures implemented in Québec and recommends a procedure to implement these measures. It also includes a reference list.

Examples of implementation procedures for speed reduction measures in Québec

Speed humps and speed cushions

The technical article Modération de la circulation - Dos d’âne allongés et coussins (Traffic calming – speed humps and speed cushions) [in French only] (1 MB) describes the context in which speed humps and speed cushions were implemented, their advantages and disadvantages, the geometry and signage required, their efficiency, and maintenance conditions and costs. It also includes a reference list.

Example of speed humps and speed cushions in Québec.

  • Ville de St-Bruno [in French only] For more information, please contact Claude Martine, Coordinator – Traffic and Road Safety, Service des infrastructures. ​

Contact us

Would you like to share your experience with speed reduction? You can send us your suggestions by email at courrier.dst@transports.gouv.qc.ca.